10 easy ways to make sure your kids WONT be Christians when they grow up

Want your kid to walk away from God? Here's a sure-fire formula, my friends. Follow this easy-to-use guide to turn them away from God and the church. These are very easy things to do, in fact thousands are doing it with these results and their kids are turning away in droves. It will work for you too!!

1) Be a totally different person at home than you are at church.

2) Switch churches. Don't stay in one place too terribly long. Keep 'em hopping. The more churches you can expose your kids to without putting down roots, the better. The second you're unhappy with something, uproot as soon as possible and head out to church shop again. Tell them this is for their own good.

3) Don't bother with sending them to kids and youth camp. It can get expensive especially if you have several kids. Think practically. You need the money to pay on other things and besides kids aren't going to die if they don't go to camp. Save that camp and youth convention money and put it towards getting your debt paid off, or toward their extra curricular activities for school. That's much more practical anyway as they can get scholarships for that stuff. Now, that's Godly wisdom right there...

4) Don't worry too much about getting in the routine of going to church on Sunday. Kids need sleep and after all, so do you. You've been working hard all week and you deserve it. If they want to stay home, let them. After all some people are forced to do stuff as kids and it turns them off. Let the kids make their own decision if it comes down to it. They might get mad at you anyway if forced to go and you don't want it to come to that.

5) Make being involved in the youth group an option, not an essential. How much church does any one person need anyway? I mean, let's not get legalistic here...

6) Talk at home about all the things you don't like about the pastor.

7) Hang out with friends from the church outside of the services and talk about things you're unhappy with about the church.

8) Be on the rebellious end of a church split and take your kids out of the church to go be a part of the split.

9) Make church all about YOU - what you want, what makes you happy, what God and the church are going to do for YOU instead of what you're going to give and how you're going to serve. In fact, this works much better if you don't serve at all in your church. Let the kids hear you say that it's not your season. This works really well. You might even want to blame it on them... after all that makes you look like Super Mom or Super Dad, right?

10) Talk to your kids about stuff like purity, but don't bother to live by the same standards yourself, especially if you're a single parent. After all, you're an adult with normal needs and desires that are just begging to be met. God understands, right? And your kids will too if you just say stuff like, "you know kids, I tell YOU not to do these things because you're just not at the age of maturity to handle something like that in your relationships, but me on the other hand, I'm in my 40's, and it's different. Do as I say, not as I do. I have needs and God's okay with that, because He made me that way... and when you're older you'll understand..."

This works like a charm. If you do all these 10 things faithfully, you're well on your way to your kids never serving God again.


Pastor Scott said…
Good article. Consistency is key. and to be real... Hope many will read this article

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