
A rightly focused life consists of fulfilling the expectations that we have formed ourselves based upon what God has spoken to us. I hear people speak of doing only what they can actually do and not worrying about what others expect them to do. I agree. But what happens once you've already agreed to something? Does character and integrity not demand that you fulfill it? We are not responsible for others expectations that we have never invited, initiated nor agreed to. We are, however, responsible to fulfill an expectation when we initiate or consent to it. For instance, part of getting married is making a covenant to fidelity. What would it be like if your spouse later said, "I didn't meet your expectations in being faithful to you but I can only do what I can do..." Let's say you apply for a job and before accepting the position they say, "this job is 40 hours a week." So you come in the first week and work for 35 hours. The following week you work 15, ...